Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Importance of training for a Peace officer

These people tend to got through loads of training, to many to even think of or even imagine. They tend to scan their surroundings so they know that they wont be gun down. The train is very intense, not many people make it. These people tend to risk their own lives so that ours can be saved. This one girl tends to scan the area of any place she goes to since it been a second thing to her for doing it for so long. The two main basic things they need to do is Understanding Law Enforcement as a Culture to Officer Spiritual Survival and Crime Scene and Investigation Awareness Training for Chaplains and Understanding your Communication Style. These people are really great, and they're like soldiers who are just fending for the people from the bad. (got the image and information on http://www.officer.com/article/10689343/the-importance-of-training)

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