( got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_Cold_Blood_(film) (got image on http://annyas.com/screenshots/images/1967/in-cold-blood-trailer-title-still-small.jpg )
The film follows the trail of Smith and Hickock: they kill the Clutter family in Kansas, go on the run, are found and caught by the police, and soon thereafter, are tried and executed. Although the film is in parts faithful to the book, Brooks created a fictional character, "The Reporter" (played by Paul Stewart). Happen in November 1959. Both men concoct a plan to invade the home of the Clutter family, as Mr. Clutter was supposedly keeps a large supply of cash on-hand in a safe. While the two criminals felt that their plan for the robbery was sound, it quickly unravels, resulting in the murder of Mr. and Mrs. Clutter, as well as two of their teenage children. The bodies of the Clutter family are discovered the next day, and a police investigation is immediately launched.
As the investigation builds, the two wanted men continue to elude law enforcement by traveling to Mexico, but return and decide to travel to Las Vegas to win some money at gambling where they are arrested for parole violation and passing bad checks. The police separetly talk to the both men to see if they confess, they even "signed there own work."
The title Krimen Tanawin means Crime Scene in Filipino, the reason I chose this is because something’s people don’t understand what happens to the area and what the motive for that job the person did. You're going to read about anything to everything about Crime Scenes and Crimes
Thursday, May 24, 2012
Thursday, May 17, 2012
Casey Anthony Trail
Okay, so you all heard of the Casey Anthony Trail, and how the mother got away but with a few charges. I know my blog is about crime and all, but this is a major crime..murder, I sometimes wonder myself if she did it to, to be honest I can't judge her for what she has done, but to my judgement I think she did do it. I wouldn't of be able to do it, kill my child not the way they found her daughter Caylee, bag up and found in the woods then finding the rest of her remains, it makes me sick that she got away with but very few charges. (got information on http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2011/07/05/casey-anthony-trial-verdict_n_890173.html
Monday, May 14, 2012
Misdemeanor Murder
Well Misdemeanor Murder is pretty much a person is a suspect of a murder, but there's not enough evidence for that person to go to trail. So that person is released..or receives a sentence that is similar to someone with a Misdemeanor. (got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misdemeanor_murder) (got image on http://i.usatoday.net/news/_photos/2011/07/05/How-the-Casey-Anthony-case-crumbled-VR73LEN-x-large.jpg)
Friday, May 11, 2012
A Demoicde the murder of any person or people by a government, including genocide, politicide, and mass murder. Democide is not necessarily the elimination of entire cultural groups but rather groups within the country that the government feels need to be eradicated for political reasons and due to claimed future threats. (got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Democide) (got image on http://www.orbus.be/info/images/1-pinochett.jpg)
Vehicular Homicide
A Vehicular homicide in most states in the U.S, is a crime. In general, it involves death that results from the negligent operation of a vehicle, or more so a result from driving while committing an unlawful act that does not amount to a felony.(got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicular_homicide) (got image on http://www.pacificnorthwestinjurylawadvocate.com/images/DUI%20WA%20Law.jpg)
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Contract Killing
Pretty much a
Contract killing is a form of murder, in which one party hires another party to kill a target individual or group of people. It involves an illegal agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to kill the target in exchange for Consideration law consideration, monetary, or otherwise. The hiring party may be a single person, a group of people, a company, or any other kind of organization. The hired party may also be one person, such as a hit man, or a group of people, or an organization.
(got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Contract_killing) (got image on http://www.armytimes.com/xml/news/2009/08/ap_mexican_cartel_killing_081109/081109_mexican_cartel_killing_800.JPG)

Serial Killer

Child Murder
The murder of children is considered an abhorrent crime in much of the world; they are perceived within their communities and the state at large as being vulnerable, and therefore especially susceptible to abduction and murder. The protection of children from abuse and possible death often involves disturbing the child's family structure, as tenuous as this may be. In 2008, there were 1,494 child (under 18 years) homicides in the United States. Of those killed 1,035 were male, while 453 were female. (got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Child_murder) (got image on http://cdn.abclocal.go.com/images/kfsn/cms_exf_2007/_video_wn_images/8168084_600x338.jpg)

Homicide |
Murder |
Note: Varies by jurisdiction
Manslaughter |
Non-criminal homicide |
Note: Varies by jurisdiction |
By victim or victims |
Family |
Other |
An assassination is defined generally as: "to murder (a usually prominent person) by a sudden and/or secret attack, often for political reasons."[1][2] Alternatively, assassination may be defined as "the act of deliberately killing someone, especially a public figure, usually for hire or for political reasons."
An assassination may be prompted by religious, ideological, political, or military motives; it may be carried out for the prospect of financial gain, to avenge a grievance, from the desire to acquire fame or notoriety (that is, a psychological need to garner personal public recognition), from the wish to form some kind of "relationship" with a public figure, or from the desire (or at least the willingness) to be killed or commit suicide in the act.
(got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assassination) (got image on http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/5/57/Reagan_assassination_attempt_4_crop.jpg)
Lonely Hearts Killer
The phrase lonely hearts killer, sometimes also want-ad killer, or matrimonial bureau murderer, is a journalistic term of art that refers to a person who commits murder by contacting a victim who has either posted advertisements to, or answered advertisements via newspaper classified ads and personal or lonely hearts club ads.[1](got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonely_hearts_killer) (got image on http://content.internetvideoarchive.com/content/photos/1059/044491_12.jpg)
The actual motivations of these criminals are varied. By definition, a killing will have taken place in order for the suspected, accused, or convicted perpetrator to be dubbed a want-ad or lonely hearts club killer. However, the crime may have involved a simple robbery gone wrong, an elaborate insurance fraud scheme, sexual violence, or any of several other ritualized pathological impulses (e.g. necrophilia, mutilation, cannibalism, etc.). Sometimes murder is not the (original) intent, but becomes a by-product of rape or other struggle; in some cases, murder is committed simply to cover up the original crime. Some, on the other hand, are serial killers who utilize this method of targeting victims, either exclusively, or when it suits them.[2]
The actual motivations of these criminals are varied. By definition, a killing will have taken place in order for the suspected, accused, or convicted perpetrator to be dubbed a want-ad or lonely hearts club killer. However, the crime may have involved a simple robbery gone wrong, an elaborate insurance fraud scheme, sexual violence, or any of several other ritualized pathological impulses (e.g. necrophilia, mutilation, cannibalism, etc.). Sometimes murder is not the (original) intent, but becomes a by-product of rape or other struggle; in some cases, murder is committed simply to cover up the original crime. Some, on the other hand, are serial killers who utilize this method of targeting victims, either exclusively, or when it suits them.[2]
Spree Killer
A spree killer is someone who embarks on a murderous assault on two or more victims in a short time in multiple locations. The U.S. Bureau of Justice Statistics defines a spree killing as "killings at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders".[1]
(got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spree_killer) (got image on http://s2.hubimg.com/u/5609925_f260.jpg)
(got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spree_killer) (got image on http://s2.hubimg.com/u/5609925_f260.jpg)
Mass Murder

Mass murder may be committed by individuals or organizations. Mass murder may also be defined as the intentional and indiscriminate murder of a large number of people by government agents. Examples are the shooting of unarmed protestors, the carpet bombing of cities, the lobbing of grenades into prison cells and the random execution of civilians.[3] Mass murderers are different than spree killers, who kill at two or more locations with almost no time break between murders, and serial killers, who may kill large numbers of people over long periods of time. The largest mass killings in history have been attempts to exterminate entire groups or communities of people, often on the basis of ethnicity or religion. Some of these mass murders have been found to be genocides and others to be crimes against humanity, but often such crimes have led to few or no convictions of any type.
(got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_murder) (got image on http://www.darrenheath.com/sites/default/files/imagecache/gallery_large/photographs/Mass_murder_Sao_Paolo'10i_Site.jpg)
Honor killing

The perceived dishonor is normally the result of one of the following behaviors, or the suspicion of such behaviors: dressing in a manner unacceptable to the family or community, wanting to terminate or prevent an arranged marriage or desiring to marry by own choice, especially if to a member of a social group deemed inappropriate, engaging in heterosexual acts outside marriage and engaging in homosexual acts.
Many women's groups in the Middle East and Southwest Asia suspect that more than 20,000 women are killed each (got information onhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Honor_killing) (got image on https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjtqDeeJdJY_XVGi1YuYWIcqmBh4gNHl_WKTje39aJe13KCCdvxTA2wfXZxOXmA59NesRUQKjjwA2hpR_2qPBdhOu0WXOaUgQ9DvkDqixruUMKKqqQKkf2MPqlxcU0fSh-6BV47gwyXkK4/s320/honor_killings_islamic_killings.jpg)
This is an unlawful killing to someone even if some people claim its self defense, but most of the time it is revenge.As the loss of a human being inflicts enormous grief upon the individuals close to the victim, as well as the fact that the commission of a murder is highly detrimental to the good order within society, most societies both present and in antiquity have considered it a most serious crime worthy of the harshest of punishment. In most countries, a person convicted of murder is typically given a long prison sentence, possibly a life sentence where permitted, and in some countries, the death penalty may be imposed for such an act — though this practice is becoming less common.[1] In most countries, there is no statute of limitations for murder (no time limit for prosecuting someone for murder). A person who commits murder is called a murderer.(got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder) (got image on http://www.murder-mystery-nights.co.uk/images/murder-mystery-nights_crime_scene.jpg)
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Internet Homoicide
Internet Homicide is pretty much the victim and predator met each other online, with a fake account with a fake picture and age. etc.Also Internet killer is an appellation found in media reports for a person who broadcasts the crime of murder online or who murders a victim met through the Internet. Depending on the venue used, other terms used in the media are Internet chat room killer, Craigslist killer, Internet serial killer. (got information onhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_homicide) (got image on https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhtszFwAXWiWX2tfpmZYDxlHN9YwMlfV9oRZNVCRBRhK8lL_tZSYIOU_z-n7NptKxeBJnKxvC3eqJCUX_rovSn270RBlwmzvFy6E2eahObmfI1rVjRCpzau6BNG2iXlqykRPGoAbShI1oOj/s1600/C--Documents+and+Settings-Brenda-Local+Settings-Temporary+Internet+Files-Content.IE5-B1BZY05X-L04D_07.22.11%255B1%255D.pdf+-+Adobe+Reader.bmp)
Monday, May 7, 2012
Craigslist Killer
Craigslist Killer is a name given by the media to individuals who were accused of murdering their victims after meeting the victims through Craigslist, a popular classified advertising website. Its a serious crime most of all. Some of the most famous people for this is Michael John Anderson, Philip Markoff, Long Island serial killer, and John Katehis. One of the killers commited suicide in Boston which is Philip Markoff, more information on him go to this link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_Markoff. (got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craigslist_Killer) (got image on http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.204084!/img/httpImage/image.jpg)
Torture Murder
well the term of this is what it seriously means, the victim gets tortured then gets killed in the process for the harsh conditions that person went through. Punishment in the state of New York ...the defendant acted in an especially cruel and wanton manner pursuant to a course of conduct intended to inflict and inflicting torture upon the victim prior to the victim's death. As used in this sub paragraph, "torture" means the intentional and depraved infliction of extreme physical pain; "depraved" means the defendant relished the infliction of extreme physical pain upon the victim evidencing debasement or perversion or that the defendant evidenced a sense of pleasure in the infliction of extreme physical pain... (got information onhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_murder) (got image at http://reportergary.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/a361.jpg)
Wednesday, May 2, 2012
Double Murder
This crime is really unlawful, its pretty much is the meaning of double murder you kill two people, this is usually punished with back to back sentencing. It's also rare for it to be a homicide which is killing a female who has an unborn child both killed. Even though it is not necessarily correct, the term is often attached to incidents involving higher numbers of people such as if three or four people were to be murdered. (got information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double_murder) (got image on http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/thumblarge_231/120170014598PbY4.jpg)
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Shop lifting
When you shop lift you think you can get away with it, well your wrong, when you go shopping in the mall and you go through those scanners and you don't pay for an item you will get into trouble one with the mall cops, two the store people, and lastly your parents. Sometimes most people can get away with it and wont have to pay for anything. It depends on the person if they can get away with it, you have to be smart enough to out smart the camera and bar code. It could go on your record, it depends on how severe it is. ( go information on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shop_lifting) (got image on http://askamydaily.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/shoplifting.jpg)
Difference Between a Homicide Detective and a Crime Scene Investigator (CSI)
well..you would think a Homicide Detective and a Crime scene investigator are the same person doing two different jobs, which is false, they both work together but do two whole different jobs at the scene of the crime, the detective tries to put things together to hopefully have their case on trail which the CSI people collect evidence at the scene of the crime, to help out the detective out with finding the killer that did the job but most of the time when working on the police force you have to watch out for corruption..from other people in the career field, the main course is Criminal Justice that they must have a background on. (got information on http://criminaljusticeonlineblog.com/01/difference-between-detective-and-crime-scene-investigator-csi/) (got image on http://cdn.newsday.com/polopoly_fs/1.1945831.1279024522!/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/display_600/image.jpg)
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